Global rock band Muse are renowned for their big impact live shows, and ER Productions has been responsible for creating the laser displays at many of their epic live events.
The relationship with Muse started when ER Productions were asked to supply lasers for their Marley Park Show in the summer of 2008.
When Muse released their fifth studio album The Resistance – which The Sunday Times hailed ‘an album of genius, brilliance and beauty’ – in 2009, the band needed spectacular effects for the accompanying tour, which would reflect their move towards an electronic sound.
What better way to bring The Resistance to life than encasing Muse in a 60ft high laser prison – and giving frontman Matt Bellamy complete control of one of our 10 high powered laser systems, which he could beam across the audience using a defracted mirror. ER Productions broke boundaries with The Resistance tour, becoming the first UK laser display company to use this style of effects in the USA.
In 2012, ER Productions joined forces with Muse for The 2nd Law World Tour, bringing their number one album in 13 countries to life at arenas across Europe and North America. To wow crowds in these large venues, lasers were rigged above the stage to shine down on 37 mirrors during songs Madness and Survival.
Once again, the company partnered with lead singer Matt, specially designing a handheld line grating for the song Follow Me, which he used to direct laser beams onto the roof of the stadium.
The successful working partnership continued; when Muse held a free concert for 15,000 fans in 2013, at the world premiere of the movie World War Z in London, ER Productions was selected to create stunning laser effects live in Leicester Square.